WPA Pool | Kremlin Cup Opening
WPA Pool | Kremlin Cup Opening

Nov 9, 2016 | Kremlin Cup

Kremlin Cup Opening

From a brass band to dancers to coverage of the opening by a drone with cameras, the sight was something to behold. All of this is being accommodated in a room of some 5500 square metres.

20 Pyramid and 16 pool tables are set up for tournament use, and 2 tables in another area for television.

There is streaming available for the tournament, the link for pool being www.mosbilliard.ru/news/233929/ It is in Russian, but on this page you will see the logo of a camera; just click on it and it will take you to the broadcast table.

A total of 445 players from more than 30 countries are taking part.
WPA Pool | Kremlin Cup Opening

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WPA Pool | Kremlin Cup Opening