WPA Pool | 2014 WPA World Artistic Pool Championship Crowns 9 World Champions!
WPA Pool | 2014 WPA World Artistic Pool Championship Crowns 9 World Champions!

Aug 1, 2014 | WPA World Artistic Pool

2014 WPA World Artistic Pool Championship Crowns 9 World Champions!

This event was held during the 38th BCAPL NationalChampionships under the sponsored venue umbrella of CSI (Cue SportsInternational). There were 26 Artistic Pool Playing Artists from around the worldcompeting for 9 separate world titles (1 overall + 8 discipline champions).

Thirteen competitive sessions were conducted over the 4-day period with the finalsession showcasing the top 6 scoring players (after the 1st 6 disciplines). GabiVisoiu, Nick Nikolaidis, and Abram Diaz were neck and neck on the final fewchallenges. Valiant efforts by Gabi and Abram to make the 40th shot fell just short ofthe mark, while Nick was able to execute the final challenge on his 3rd attempt to winthe overall Artistic Pool championship title. The winning score was an impressive277 points out of a possible 320, while 18 players in the field set a record for the mostplayers to score over 200 points in a world championship event.

Artistic Pool focuses on specific cueing challenges skillfully attempted under 8discipline categories as follows (title winners are listed after each category): 1) Trick /Fancy Shots – Nick Nikolaidis, 2) Special Arts – Tim Chin, 3) Draw Shots – GabiVisoiu (perfect score), 4) Follow Shots – William DeYonker (perfect score), 5) Bank /Kick Shots – Chris Woodrum, 6) Stroke Shots – Andy Segal, 7) Jump Shots – JasonLynch, and 8) Masse Shots – Andy Segal. 39 of the shots / challenges were scoredunder the standard Degree of Difficulty (D.O.D) process in which players receive 3attempts on each challenge with a full D.O.D. point value earned if the challenge ismade on the 1st attempt, 1 point less if made on the 2nd attempt, and 2 points less ifmade on the 3rd attempt. A special scoring system was used for the other challenge.

Two awards were also presented for special recognition. A SportsmanshipRecipient voted on by the players was awarded to Adam “Carnage” Nickels fromEngland. The Rising Star Recipient Award was presented to William “TheGentleman” DeYonker from Michigan, as the highest scoring player based ondesignated factors of eligibility. This award idea and medal / ribbon was sponsoredby Tim Chin to recognize “up and coming” players in our sport.

We would like to thank: CSI (Mark Griffin, David Vandenberghe, Bill Stock, OzzieReynolds and staff) for their hard work and sponsorship in organizing this greatevent at such a fantastic venue; all of the players that participated / helped to makethis a very memorable event; Dr. Cue and Ms. Cue for directing the Championship;the APD committee members for their administrative help; players, fans, and specialguests that performed various duties; plus each performer entertaining a largeaudience during the Saturday night media / fan / sponsor appreciation experience!!We extend a special “thank you” to all of our valued Artistic Pool monetary /product / service sponsors – WPA, CSI, Dr. Cue Promotions, Robertson CustomCues, Dr. Popper Jump Cues, Marty Carey Jump Cues, Aramith (TV Pro Cup CueBalls), Lloyd Hobbs (personal product donation), Jason Lynch for his electronicscoring services; and Brenda Lee’s Mobile Entertainment (special photography / CD /video services).On behalf of the WPA APD committee board, the 2014 WPA World Artistic PoolChampionship was a highly successful event sanctioned under the WPA umbrella forthe growing and internationally recognized sport of Artistic Pool. Look for past,present, and future Artistic Pool information updates at: www.facebook.com/artisticpoolworldwide

Mark Dimick, President
WPA Artistic Pool Division

Note: Separate document for complete results documented for industry release.

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